Tuesday, July 24, 2007

bit o' this & that (anyone else want to play?)

I'm reading a web site called Decently and In Order which is something of a emergent/web 2.0 thing and links to lots of stuff roughly related to Presbyterianism. Here is a great link to another web site which has lots of entertaining stuff but at the moment holds the Seven Deadly Sins Combo Chart. For example: Glutteny + Pride = fat men in speedo swimsuits. On the same site at the card chart is an amazing remake of M Jackson's Thriller

I'm about 100 pages away from the end of the last Potter book. My elder step son is currently reading to completion and I'm fighting the urge to rip it out of his hands. =sigh= (argg, now he's laughing. why? whats going on? Soon I'll know too....)

A local Interplay group has started up here in Santa Rosa and the isolation for me breaks down just a bit. Heather and Alexis: I miss you!

You know - you don't have to have a lot going on to post on this blog. What is going on out there? Which chapter are you on in H. Potter? Or did you already finish it? What? Elder Step Son is now done, "What am I going to do with my life now," he asks as he hands it over....


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