Saturday, December 01, 2007

Lessons and Carols and being where we are

Last night Cheryl, Harold, James K & Mary R, Michelle Walker and her daughter Sarah, Leslie Veen, Heather Grantham & two first year students who's names I didn't catch gathered at the re-born Teds (now called Eats with a much better cook and great music) after Lessons & Carols.
Twas a nice time to catch up with each other.

Lessons and Carols was again beautiful with new and old songs. Heather Granthem had a very strong alto voice in the lead solo for Prepare Ye (First came the prophet crying in the wilderness...). O Magnum Mysterium flowed in rich waves of pure wonder and Sleeps Judea Fair once again lifted to the rafters deep praise that gentle floated back to the soft, holy lullaby ending. O Holy Night was - well O Holy Night. Ethel Mermen moment and all! Sir Christemas which is a very robust French Carol was added back to the rotation and a new song, The Lute Song by Mary Elizabeth Caldwell, reminded me of the song we sang with Heather and her harp.

The choir remained downstairs for the concert with an orchestra (featuring Bob Coote front and center) seated in front. The readings went well, Dr. Butin was brief and Charles simply glowed. This year's decoration featured two gigantic nets of white christmas lights that formed valley and hill over our heads and a six foot wide advent wreath with candles suspended over the the front of the sanctuary.

Okay - this may sound like a bit hoky "review" - but I'm trying to find a way for folks who can't make it this year to come visit it in their mind's eye tonight. So, I press on...

At the end, just before the last anthem, Dr. Danial Hoggat turns to the audience and invites alumni to come forward and join in on Chill of the Nightfall. I miss singing with a large group of voices. I miss singing with Dan - his energy, his skill in highlighting our next entrance, the words on his lips so that we need hardly glance at the music... I rejoice that I was able to once again stand next to Cheryl, know that James was up and round the corner that Mary and Michelle were just back there... I rejoice that again Dan stands up and again raises his arms and again, we are transformed into a brief glimpse, a taste, a shadow of the Holy Choirs of Cherabums and Saraphams singing praise...

Glory of daybreak! Sorrows and shadows,
suddenly they break forth into morn;
sing out and tell now all shall be well now,
for in the stable Jesus is born!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


If we are in between the last Sunday of the previous Liturgical year and the first Sunday of the coming Liturgical year then what is this time?

A time of no Time?

A deep intake of breath before we burst back out again into the frenetic activity of Advent/Christmas? (and why does Advent and Christmas need to be frenetic?)

Often Thanksgiving day falls during this week but this year it came early enough to fall on Audrey's birthday. So there is a whole week inbetween this year. A week plus of days where its still November and not December. It seems like - well - a Great Pause in the time-stream.

Although we put up the Christmas lights on the house, it seems premature. Although I watched again, with great deep child pleasure, the Charlie Brown Christmas Special, it wasn't yet the right moment.

Maybe its the weather - blue sky and mid-sixties does not winter make for this native-born Oregonian.

Or maybe its because its still in-between and isn't that a gift too?