Thursday, August 02, 2007

In Celebration of the Resurrection

Doug Adams, pioneering professor in religion and the arts,
dies on July 24

Professor Doug Adams photoDoug Adams, professor of Christianity and the arts at Pacific School of Religion for 31 years, died at the home of friends in Jackson, CA on July 24, 2007. As a scholar and teacher, Adams played a leading role internationally in the field of religion and the arts, and was beloved by generations of students. Adams also headed the doctoral faculty in Art and Religion at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), a consortium of nine seminaries, including Pacific School of Religion (PSR), in Berkeley, CA.

To read the full PSR News Release, click here - to read the Mercery News Story, click here.

To stop and remember and celebrate and grieve and be pissed off and thankful and grateful and in awe for this amazing explosion of life and art and theology and humor and all very human I suspect and yet able to say Look, Look - over here is God... There is nothing to click. Go make art or look at art or write a funny skit for worship or write a poem or pour a glass of wine and munch some yummy cheese. Dance.

Pacific School of Religion will hold a memorial service on campus this fall, scheduled for Oct. 14 from 2 to 5 p.m.

We Are Here

So I'm sitting at my desk trying to figure out how to write a Prayer of Confession and have managed to kill the last hour playing with the do-it-yourself feature of Google map.

I've posted markers for where everyone is - everyone that i know where they are - more or less. Let me know if there are more/better locations to post. Or if you have a good prayer of confession. Somehow Hey God, sorry 'bout that which is actually pretty comprehensive if you think about it probably won't go so well in a full on worship service.

click here - hope it works! My next plan to kill a few more hours is getting Jen's dates of ordination up on the upcoming dates list.

more info :)

I forgot to ask for your prayers on August 11th, when I go before the Plains and Peaks Presbytery. As that date draws closer and plans become more concrete, I seem to be more and more nervous. So, your prayers would be much appreciated :)

As I said, ordination will be on Sunday, August 26th. The following Sunday, September 2nd is my first Sunday in Wray. Nothing like being on the fast track! I am moving my stuff to Wray on the 29th and hopefully settling in by Sunday.

If you are ever in the high plains, please stop by! The manse has 4 bedrooms, so I have plenty of space. Plus, Megan, Harold and the boys are just down the highway about 30 miles. We can have a reunion!

Take care and have a great day!

Love, Jenn :)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Hello everyone! I wanted to pass on some good news...I have accepted a call at a small church in Wray, CO.

My ordination will be August 26th at 4pm in Cleveland, OK. If you happen to be driving through OK, you are all invited! I would love to see you :)

Take care and have a great evening!

Love, Jenn :)