Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer Update

Happy Summer! Heather and I are really enjoying the summer here, we are really thankful that it's been over 100 degrees for the past 2 weeks. Really, it's too hot to go outside, it's like a dream. (note sarcasm).

We have finally moved into our house. It's still in chaos, but we are well on our way to being able to walk into all of the rooms. Roux loves it and has made friends with all of the neighbor dogs. We live in the city, but our street is so quiet that we play fetch on the street with all of the dogs.

Heather is doing VBS right now and apparently it is going really well. I could not be more jealous that she gets to play with kids all day.

Due to an accounting error (before I got here) where I work lost a huge government grant, which also happened to be the funding for my position. Which means I am looking for another job. Which is super annoying, but there are lots of jobs out there and after being part of this community for 2 years we have some really good contacts who have been very helpful. I will let you know when something comes up.

We will be in Oregon in August for the Chase family reunion, South Carolina in July for the Myers family reunion, New York for a wedding, and Florida for a vacation. It will be a busy summer, but we are looking forward to all of it.

Hooray Summer!