Saturday, February 16, 2008

Brace Face

Friends - Here are pictures of my now strange face. I have clear braces on top and metal on the bottom both with blue rubberband thingys. You can also see the torture device that has been installed on the roof of my mouth. I now speak like I have a mouth full of marbles. I sound awful - which will be a joy as I try to preach on Sunday. The trip to the ortho did not go well as they could not get the expander in - the glue had begun to dry. I was crying in the chair from the pain of them forcing it on my teeth. My surgery is now scheduled for Thursday. I will turn my expander two times a day for 12 days and a total of 24 turns. We are going for a 8-10mm expansion. When I finally get back to work in March I will have a large space between my two front teeth. Oh the adventures . . . no wonder most pastors quit after the first year : ) Just kidding - so far my congregation has been great - though we'll see how patient they are after tomorrow's super slow sermon.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Brace Yourself for Valentines Day

Friends - Tomorrow I go in and get all my gear put on. I am getting a palatal expander on the roof of my mouth which looks something like this . . .

Then I am getting cermaic braces on the top and bottom teeth which looks something like this . . .
I will post pictures when I am able. On Tuesday next week I have my surgery to cut open my upper palate so it can move with the expander . . .
Please continue to keep me in prayer.