Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Brace Yourself for Valentines Day

Friends - Tomorrow I go in and get all my gear put on. I am getting a palatal expander on the roof of my mouth which looks something like this . . .

Then I am getting cermaic braces on the top and bottom teeth which looks something like this . . .
I will post pictures when I am able. On Tuesday next week I have my surgery to cut open my upper palate so it can move with the expander . . .
Please continue to keep me in prayer.


Anitra said...

yikes! Looks like it will be wonderful when its all done though. peace and speeding healing to you.

steph said...

As someone who has also had some pretty extensive work on my choppers, my heart goes out to you! Blessings, dear one! Get Lars to make some yummy soup for you!