Friday, February 16, 2007

Time for a little "Oneness" in the Body

I finally got all signed up and back on the Blog (Thank you Anitra!)
In light of all the split/leaving talk in the PC(USA) I thought we might all appreciate a little "Good News"
I haven't checked out all the particulars yet but this looks like a good thing to me.

Looking forward to seeing some of you on Sunday at James ordination!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Jepsen Update

Hello friends -

Lars and I are slogging through winter. It is finally warming up (38!) and most of the snow has melted. Our back yard was nothing but weeds when we bought the place so now it is a big mud patch. I go out to walk the dog and I fall out of my clogs. We need to look into some grass. Either way we are both eager for the arrival of Spring. We planted lots of bulbs when we got here and I can not wait to see their happy faces.

Lars finally got a job. He is working as a cook at "The Homestead". It is one of our restaurants - the only one that doesn't specialize in burgers. He is making steaks and pizzas and seems to be enjoying himself.

We are busy inside the house while we wait for Spring. We ripped up our bedroom carpet yesterday to finally get down to our hardwood floor. God only knows why there were so many staples but Lars and I finally got everything cleared. It looks awesome.

Church is going OK. Some of you saw my short lived post on an issue with parishoners. We had a run in about the authority of Scripture. Much to my surprise they are still attending. The session has voted to no longer be a Confessing Church so that is good. Admist the division talk I am glad that they heard my call for working together. This job is difficult and I am constantly lamenting how unprepared I am from my time in seminary. There is just such a disconnect from the way we are trained to be pastors and what the work actually requires of us. Oh well - "I will, with God's help"

Hope you all are well. Thanks for your care and concern. I miss you - and Anitra - what I wouldn't give for a Mount Tam Pale Ale and some Onion Rings - thanks for the picture.

- Heather

Monday, February 12, 2007

Upgrades, Ordinations, & Podcasts

We are officially upgraded to the new blog. If y'all want to post, you'll encounter the update process. Please let me know if you have any problems!!!!

James Kosko's ordination is coming up this sunday in Kenwood. (Which is in between Santa Rosa and Sonoma if you didn't know this...) At last count there should be about eight or nine of us in attendance. There are plans to go out afterwards in search of appropriate beverage and food.

I've taught myself how to do podcasts and how have two podcasts on Itunes - and also available for mp3 downloads. Please come visit the Covenant Network site for the mp3 version and do a search in Itunes on Covenant Network for the full flavor w pictures version. There are two presentations - one is an interview of Margaret Towner, the first woman ordained to the ministry in the Presbyterian Church(USA) and the more I listen to it the more in awe I am of how this has taken place. Read it in text or listen to it - I think its important to know how this came to take place. The other podcast is a really great sermon from Lisa Larges, the regional director of That All May Freely Serve. She does a very nice job of laying out a tough message with humor and compassion. Please come visit - and if you blog or have friends who blog, please suggest that they too come visit these presentations.

If you are following the New Wineskins - they have met, they have asked a sister denomination Evangelical Presbyterians to open a non-continoues Presbytery for congregations wishing to leave the PCUSA, and will meet again in a few months or so. Leslie Scanlon has some good coverage at Presbyterian Outlook (free, but registration required). You might also be interested in visiting the Presbyterians for Renewal website, and the Network of Presbyterian Women in Leadership. Or you might just go get another cup of coffee.