Monday, May 07, 2007

things that grow

Here is this starter pix for the 2007 Kitts-VonSeggern Vegi garden. On the right are about six plants of broccoli which sat around small and not doing much till the recent run of warm weather and then went straight to skinny stalks of blooming flowers skipping over the buds-we-get-to-eat stage. Also some califlower which shows signs of simular intentions. In the front are a bunch of carrots that I planted last July and which refused to show up till November/Jan last year. They are doing some root work but some are going straight for the flower/seed stage a well. In the middle are a range of tomato plants and basil. My little tomato starts that I showed in an earlier post had a great start from seed but then refused to do anything more once they put out their real leaves. If I put them out, I'm thinking I should also just put up a sign saying: Snail Snacks Here!

Speaking of snail snacks - I have been working on rehabing a strawberry patch that existed when I showed up. As an Oregonian not only am I picky about my coffee, beer and salmon, I'm also opinianated about my berries. May is not strawberry season. Yet here they are and once in a while I get a few before the snails snack on them. At any rate, they are pretty.

I also planted rasberries last year. Bill and the boys have expressed doubt about how high the canes were going to grow. They are no longer questioning me on this issue. We'll have a small harvest this year but next year should be quite plentiful.

I am hoping to put up some strawberry freezer jam from one of the local farmers markets this spring. I miss that fresh taste and have run out of the supply from two years ago.

Its odd living in this climate - things just move faster than one expects. Yesterday and the next few days will be pushing 90 degrees. Water districts all over the bay area - and I suspect over in the central valley too - are declaring this year as a drought year so I don't know how well my tomatoes will do before we're done.

One more picture of that which grows so fast:

Dana Marie Rasmussen graduates from American University this Sunday at 4 p.m. She's out hustling up an apartment and a job. She wants to stay in Washington D.C. I'll post photos next week sometime.


1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Wow they really do grow fast (plants and kids!) Please give Dana my love and congratulations! I'll look forward to pictures of the big event.