Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sunday Afternoon

I just got off the phone with Aimee Moiso and Robert Hattle.

Aimee is back from China where she went on the SFTS trip. She says she plans to send photos for posting here when she gets a chance at a high speed connection. The trip was great, the food was interesting - among the dishes presented at the various banquets was jello with duck tongues. Aimee will be preaching at Westminster, Portland this coming sunday.

Robert is in Chicago visiting family. The last (?) of our class to clear the campus, Robert has set up a place in Albuquerque where he will work at a local hospital and work with his very supportive CPM to finish off the ordination exams. He promises a longer note to be posted here sometime soon.

As for myself, I'm still settling into this new life in suburban Santa Rosa. Life as a step-mom is going much better (so far) then I have heard it start for many other families. I have a garden that I started last spring and the tomatoes (why else do we have a garden?) are just now turning ripe! I ran around a lot in June (GA) and July (Interim Training and Worship Leadership at Cascades Summer Conference in Portland) so at the moment I'm thrilled to be home for more than seven days in a row. I'm also polishing up the PIF and taking my measure of this new place. Give me a call or send me email. I miss y'all. - Anitra

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Anitra, Catharine Cory here. I am so glad to still be on the SFTS mailing list so that I can keep up with what's going on out there. John, Josh and I are doing well here in Ohio. I am happy to hear that you, and everyone else from SFTS, are thriving. Here is my email address if you want to keep in touch: Much love to you, Cath :-)