Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Aimee sent photos with comments.

"The gang at Harold's ordination in Spokane in June."

"James enjoying birthday cake Chinese Style"

"Jean and Aimee enjoying taxis service Chinese Style"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi folks -
Perhaps I could have given a bit more commentary on the photos...

The first is self-explanatory, as you see. Harold had just been magically turned in to "Rev. Armstrong" (doesn't he look different?) and we're all hovering around hoping some of his newfound power will rub off on us.

The birthday cake photo was taken on James' birthday at a restaurant in Beijing where we had dinner. I'm not sure any of us had ever eaten cake with chopsticks before, but it was just one of many culinary adventures in China.

The photo of Jean and I in a rickshaw-type contraption was taken on our last day of the trip, in Shanghai. We'd been out on a wild goose chase looking for last-minute shopping items, and we were late to meet others for dinner. We couldn't find a cab, so a persistent cyclist finally persuaded us that he was strong enough to carry two full-grown American women and their shopping bags in his carriage. It was a ball, even though it seemed many folks on the street were laughing good naturedly at us...