Monday, August 28, 2006

Leaving Church

So I flip on Fresh Air as I start to clean the kitchen and discover that Terry is interviewing Barbara Brown Taylor - one of my preaching goddesses. It turns out that Barbara has a new book out about why she stepped out of parish ministry - Leaving Church - a Memoir of Faith.

The interview is very challenging - and its online at the NPR Fresh Air site. She talks about becoming burned out as a parish minister, she talks about losing God in the busyness of church. She talks about the loss of her identity as a parish minister and there is still grief in that for her.

You can read more about the book at BBT's website.

I ordered it - if anyone else has it or is interesting in reading/talking about it, let me know.

I'm preaching this sunday and so far my theme is Rest, Sabbath, "Come Away with Me." But its only Monday, who knows what it will be by Friday. I want her book now but I'm still so cheap I ordered to arrive in a week or too...

BTW I preached last sunday at Broadmoor PC down in Daily City. This is James Kosko's internship site. He and Mary were there last week as well, their first sunday back since he graduated. I fell in love with Broadmoor pretty much the moment I walked in the door. These are sweet people - and faithful to this place and to each other. I hope they find their designated pastor soon!

James and Mary look great. James is looking a congregations around the west coast - from outside of Seattle to basically next door to Marin. Mary says there is about a total of 50 new faces on campus with 40-something in the core M.Div. class. The new folks at the Lloyd Center and Spiritual program seem to be well received - and there are rumers of a blog already started among them.

Isn't it odd to be thinking of someone else now living where we used to live? Or more to the point, living where our friends used to live?

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