Monday, February 18, 2008

Prayer Request

Hello friends! Things here in Wray are going great. I love the congregation and am enjoying the simple life of a rural pastor.

On Wednesday I start a new IV medication for my MS. Since my body has stopped responding to other forms of treatment this is the next step. Although they assure me that Tysabri is now safe, 3 people have died from taking the medicine. So, needless to say I am a bit worried. My dad has come up to be with me and take me to the first infusion, so that is comforting. So, if you have a little extra time, please keep me in your prayers as I begin this next step of treatment for MS.

On another note, Harold is in Malawi, Africa on a mission trip until February 29, so keep him in your prayers as well.

Take care and much love!


steph said...

O my goodness! I pray that this will be just the right medication for you, Jenn. I'm glad that you've got your dad there to be with you. I pray that your doctors will be infused with love for you and for your health! Miss you and holding you close in my heart.

Pastor Heather said...

Jenn - I will pray for you if you pray for me : ) Seriously though, I will keep you in prayer and pass it on.

Bob said...

You're in my prayers and the prayers of the Boonville church. Your job is to take care of yourself in every way that you can.
Peace and Blessings

Anitra said...

prayers indeed!