Thursday, January 03, 2008

Prayer Request

Friends - This is a simple prayer request for myself. Tomorrow I am headed in for a gum graft. They will take tissue of the roof of my mouth and then attach it to my upper gums right side. I am hoping to be healed by Sunday, but I am planning to train Lars as a back up. I am mostly asking for prayers of peace. This is the first venture in what will be two hard months for me. Surgery this week, then near the end of January I begin braces preparation. On Valentines day I will be fitted with upper and lower braces along with a palatial expander which is a big peace of metal on the roof of my mouth. Then on February 19th I will have my big surgery which involves sawing in my jaw in several places so that my upper palate will become mobile. Needless to say all this planned messing with my mouth is causing me anxiety. Tomorrow it begins and in a few months it will just be living with braces - but right now I am having a hard time focusing on my congregation as my head swims with my own needs and fears. So . . . keep me in your prayers. And in February I will post pictures of my brace face! - Heather


steph said...

Bless your heart!!!

Cheryl said...

Oh dear! You are most certainly in my thoughts and prayers (I don't do well with anything that has to do with dental type work so this sounds just aweful!) Hang in there!

Anitra said...

well - at the end this should be worthwhile. Congratulations on the courage and the determination to proceed.

Bob said...

You're in my prayers for this whole process. I can't even imagine all that going on.