Friday, December 01, 2006

James Has a Call

Yes, it's true....
On November 18-19, I had my Candidating Weekend at Elk Grove (CA) Congregational Church. Everything went really well, despite having 'near laryngitis'. With thanks to God, the congregation voted unanimously to call me as their next settled pastor. Today, Dec. 1 is my first official day - although I've been working on the service most of the week. Since Mary and I are singing in L&C tonight and tomorrow night, I had to get a good head-start on Sunday.

This is a very sweet congregation of just over 100 folks. I'd call it "High UCC" as Cheryl can attest, they stand for the Gospel reading, and have other very nice touches to their service. The search committee has been working for 18 months and reviewed 106 profiles. They did an absolutely fantastic job. So...yeah...I'm starting on Advent 1, Year C with communion. (I'll have ordained folks help with that until my own -- hopefully in February or so. Stay tuned!)

There is a fairly large parsonage right next door (for better or for worse) into which one could fit many Hunter Hall apartments. We are looking forward to life there and being able to make it our home. The web address for the church is

Friends ask if I'm excited about this and I wish it were that simple. There are about 20 emotions flying around inside my head and heart about this...Excitement is only one of them. Mostly, though, I'm just looking forward to engaging this congregation with all its challenges and bringing everything I've got to my call there. It will be great!

I'll send my new address and phone number in e-mail. In the mean time, I'll still be using the Yahoo account I've had forever. Do drop me a line when you are able.
Blessings to you all,


Cheryl said...

Way to go James and welcome to the hood =-)

Anitra said...
