Monday, August 21, 2006

News from Here and There

I called Garrett Andrew today. As we all know - Garrett and Melinda Speich are getting married this weekend on campus at Stewart. James Noel will officiate. Garrett promises photos from Maui in a couple of weeks. He has lined up some work both on campus and in the area while Melinda completes her degree. Garrett will be serving as Adjunct Falculty in the Advanced Preaching class along with James Noel who will be replacing Jana Childers in that class leadership. He'll also continue at both Marin General and Sojurner Truth.

Robert Hattle spent the last few weeks mostly in Chicago where he saw friends and family and house-sat (actually, incredible view cond-sat) a place for a friend. He also visited with his mother who is now in a nursing home in Ohio where she can be close to most of Robert's brothers and sisters. Robert spent the first part of summer working with his family to help get his mother stablized in Florida and then driving her north in a marathon shot to Ohio. Robert is now back in Albuquerque where he is preparing to take another shot at the ords this week. Prayers are welcomed.

Elizabeth McCord is moving today! She has a place in Pittsburg, CA so she can be close to her CPE which will be in Concord. Sarah Knowles will be her roommate. Sarah is working on an MA at PSR which means a lot of BART to get there. Elizabeth had been hither and yon this summer including spending the last two weeks as Claire Love's roommate and it wasn't hard to miss the excitment in Elizabeth's voice as she and Sarah head toward a little more stable living space. Elizabeth says her email remains the same and that she plans to send out her new contact info sometime soon.

Cheryl and Elizabeth (at least - probably more but I wasn't there (sorry John) so I didn't take names...) were at John Weem's ordination yesterday. Cheryl promises to blog and post photos.

Garden Newsbreak: Snails like beans. They beheaded a few of the bean starts. The baby beenstocks look so pathetic with their little leaves hanging out to either side and no growing center stem thingie (do I look like an ex-biology grad student? I know these things have names - its just they are latin and I barely got greek and hebrew...)

so - write, send photos, links, news, etc. I miss you all.

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