Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I love my Episcopal church, it has so many positives, except the preaching. It's a little like torture most Sundays; except when they have guest preachers (the regular Methodist guest preacher tends to bring it in the pulpit), and there is one priest who is an excellent exegete and speaker, who only preaches once every two months. (There are 8 priests at our church who rotate preaching, with the Rector preaching 2 Sundays a month). I even go so far as to write my own, but it would be nice to learn from people who are better at preaching than I am. Easter was really the last straw for me, I had to go to 2 services and hear the ridiculous sermon twice. I know preaching is not everyone's gift, our Rector is really good in small groups and great at pastoral care.

All of that being said I am on the look out for great sermons to read on Monday morning. I already read Heather Jepsen's blog (I hope you preached your Easter sermon and will post it soon, if not can I have a copy?). If any of you know of other really good sermons out there that I can read that would be helpful. I'm not looking for things like tribalchurch.org, which I love, but actual sermons.


steph said...


Another Episcopalian (seminarian), wonderful exegetical work and sermons. Great resource!!

Bob said...

Hi, Alexis,
Midrash is an email-based lectionary discussion. The participants are pastors from all over Canada, the US, the UK, even NZ and Aus. They'll post sermons and discussions of the next Sunday's lectionary passages. It's a great resource. To subscribe, e-mail: midrash-subscribe@joinhands.com (you can opt in or opt out at any time.)