Thursday, March 06, 2008

new frog pond

Looks like I will have a book review in an upcoming issue of Christian Century. I am still waiting to hear on the book proposal but I'm okay with waiting right now. Meanwhile, I have a couple other assignments to work on for the Chimes & Presbyterians Today. And a chance to preach on one of the high holy days of the Associate/pulpit supply preacher... (the Sunday after Christmas, the Sunday after Easter, Fourth of July Weekend... )

Meanwhile - spring is starting to bust out around here. Below is a picture of a bush over by the creek where the most amazing mass of leaves are pushing their way out of a monster-sized bud:

This is what the leaves look like once they are out and expanded:

Be rich with life, be explosively green this spring!


Alexis said...

I am so excited to read your CC contribution, i always eagerly await the arrival of mine. congrats

steph said...

Green is officially my new favorite color. Thanks for the lovely burst of spring!!

Karen Sapio said...

Spring and sunshine in early March: lets put those on our "Why we left Oregon" list.