Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Rain Anyone?

Okay, so for 4 years I whined and complained about no real thunderstorms and not enough summer rains and for 4 years God didn't listen. However, God has decided to make up for it now! There have been only 2 days without significant rain during the month of June. I am beginning to have flashes of Noah :)

Anyway, I am doing pretty well in OK. I have been doing a lot of pulpit supply and my job is going well. That's about it from here.

If anyone wants to join Facebook, there is a SFTS Alum group. I have become kinda addicted to the Facebook phenomenon :)

Take care and have a great day!

Love, Jenn :)

1 comment:

Alexis said...

I have a facebook profile, where are all the SFTS alums? Maybe I'm not looking hard enough