Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Across the country and back again

Hello from Atlanta!

We have both been awfully slack about posting, in fact even joining this blog since we left California. I guess it only makes sense that as we are now moving back across the country we should join the blog. That is correct, we are moving to Portland, Oregon as soon as we get jobs or our lease runs out, whichever comes first. After our holiday visit to Heather's family in Portland we decided it was a good idea to be around her family for the next couple of years. Heather's mother isn't getting any better, her grandmother and grandfather aren't getting any younger, and did you know you can't see a single large body of water in Atlanta? Really we had no idea, otherwise Heather never would have moved. (note sarcasm) Except for a river with a funny name, and it's dirty. So if anyone knows anyone hiring for anything in the Portland area, please talk us up to them and them give me their phone number.
Roux is excited about the move, I have promised her that I would take up snowshoeing so that she can play in the snow. She also enjoys destroying the duck she got for Christmas. That seems to be all of our news.



Pastor Heather said...

Hey - so happy you will soon be back in the area. Maybe then we can actually get together sometime for a post seminary visit.

steph said...

WOW! I do not envy your move. For me, I could not conceive of trying to move anywhere at this point! I can't find anyone to take our paper/cardboard (and there's a TON of it in our garage!). I called Waste Management and they suggested that I "put it in a paper bag with my other recycling." What I had was a failure to communicate effectively just how much there was. The woman on the other end of the line could not get that there is literally a garage full of it. Ah well....I'll think about it tomorrow or when I get back from Dallas, whichever comes first!!

Glad to know that I'll have 2 more friends in Portland! Love to you both and every blessing on your move...may it be a smooth one!
