Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lessons and Carols

December 1-2
7 pm
Stewart Chapel

It would be odd to be there without being a part of the inside - but I think it harder to stay away.

Anyone else?


James said...

I'll be there! Remember...all alums can join in on "Chill of the Nightfall"!

Dan's brother will be playing the organ and we'll have a small orchestral section this year...all our singing will be "down" as there are too many Singers this year to use the choir loft.

Oh yeah...we (the class of '06) raised the bar so we're doing 'O Magnum Mysterium'.

steph said...

I get to play a few pieces too which has been fun...except for "This Little Babe" --- I kick myself for not learning to play the harp! Jim's advice for playing this particular piece: don't listen to the singers! YIKES!

Cheryl said...

I'll be there Friday night. I agree it will be hard to be there but definitely harder not to. (sigh)