Saturday, October 28, 2006

Worth 4000 words

As promised, here are some pictures of life in Switzerland.

This is one end of the building where I live; my window is the bottom corner on the right.

The entrance to our chapel is through this little tower, once owned by an Abbey and dating back to the 13th or 14th century.

Here is our group of students standing in front of Calvin and other Reformers in Geneva (Calvin is second from the left).

And this is the inside of the Church of Scotland, where I attend. If you look closely, behind the communion table you can see extra wooden legs - the legs of a chair on which Calvin once sat.


Pastor Heather said...

Aimee - Thanks for the pictures. Geneva looks so neat. Lars says there is someone there who was there when he was in the program. Some guy from Samoa. Anyway - hope you are having fun.

Anitra said...

wow, I hope its a much fun as it is cute. I love the swiss and enjoy them in short doses. My grandfather was swiss so after I went I understood my mother much better. Look at the lawn. Tightly cut, probably not a weed anywhere. Right now I'm missing the Rosti (sp?) that potato thing they do.

steph said...

Hey Aimee! Cool photos -- I actually saw those old Reformers when I was in Switzerland lo, those many years ago. Looks like and sounds like you're having some kind of fun. Look forward to catching you up on life at the Crooms real soon. Love & stuff, steph

Cheryl said...

Wow, where you live looks so cool! (and very old Europe) Hope it will stay warm for ya in the winter.
Looks like you are doing well. Can't wait to catch up soon.