Monday, September 18, 2006

The Ring of Fire

Friends - I have jumped through the final flaming hoop - emerging singed but successful. My Trials of Ordination were rigourous to put it nicely. I was on the floor right after a long argument regarding examening minister members on the floor to insure a homogenous Presbytery. Lots of tension in the room which soon became directed at me. Lots of questions - and lots of people who didn't know how to ask a question at all. I had to ask for clarification multiple times from multiple questioners. I stumbled on "Is Jesus the only way to Salvation" and gave in. My final friendly question was "So what DO you think about substitunary atonement?" I wouldn't budge on that one and at that moment knew I was going down in a blaze of glory. I left the room and burst into tears - convinced I had come this far only to fail at the last step and loose the church I had already begun to love. It was awful. Then the invited me back in and said I had passed. In the end I felt bruised and beaten - hardly celebratory for the final step. I felt terrible - what a let down - what an experiance. This was by far the most difficult step of the whole ordination process begun 4+ years ago. By the grace of God I have made it through. - Heather


Anitra said...

It makes me crazy that the only path our church has found to work out its theological disagreements is straight through the middle of whatever innocent candidate happens to be standing for ordination at the time.

This is going on all over our church. Its been going on for a long time. Its not about you - but you already know that.

Usually when peopel say what I just wrote, they are trying to help someone feel better - but rude is rude and anger is anger and its still crappy even if its not personal and quite frankly - it is your ordination exam and thus it is very personal. There is no way that it can't be.

I give thanks to God that you found the strength to stand before your Presbytery all the way to the end.

I give thanks to God that you answered according to your truth and your heart and with all the power that the comes when the Holy Spirit comes along side of you.

I give thanks to God that you will be ordained to the office of Minister of the Word and Sacrament. You are beloved of God and you nor I nor any child baptized and celebrated at the font will ever be abandoned by the One who made us and calls us.

So go out and Preach It! I'll be dancing on your ordination day.

Bob said...

Congratulations, Heather!
All the time you were up there getting mugged, I hope you felt the strength of all the prayers behind you. Now you get to go off into the desert and start your work. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Heather, for coming through the fire...though I'm sorry it turned out that way. Now go show them how it's done!!!