Thursday, March 20, 2008

book update

Westminster/John Knox sent me a very nice thanks but no thanks letter.

So that is two down and an unknown number yet to go.



Alexis said...

hang in there, what you wrote is good. someone will see that.

Anitra said...

Thanks very much, I appreciate hearing that a lot!

It's now a beautiful morning and I'm busy printing out the whole thing for Eerdmans which is another imprint I respect so much I have a lot of books from them on my shelf.

I know persistence is a part of this process. A big part. I just feel very stuck in terms of call/career/income. This is officially getting old. On the other hand, its certainly yet another opportunity for practicing Zen Christianity (worry not about tomorrow for tomorrow will get here and be its own pain in the neck soon enough)

steph said...

Bummer. At least you got a response, which only seems decent and right. Keep believing in what you're doing.

LOL -- Zen Christianity!

Pastor Heather said...

Anitra - Hang in there . . . I will continue to keep you in prayer. I think I would rather have a palatial expansion!