Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Garrett's News

In case you were not one of Garrett's 160 some odd email addressees here is good news:

I wanted to inform you all that as of today I now know I will be getting ordained as a minister of the Word and Sacrament this Saturday. Today I went through what we in the Presbyterian Church call the trials of ordination. After successfully completing them in Georgia where my wife and I will be moving early next month, I am flying out to Riverside, California (my hometown) to be ordained in a service of
ordination this Saturday.

For those of you still in Southern California, my ordination is at 3pm at Magnolia Presbyterian Church in Riverside, it be awesome should you show up.

Peace to you all,

1 comment:

steph said...

Since I'm not one of the 160 or so people on Garrett's email, I will pose a few questions here and ask to be invited to be a "friend" on FaceBook.

In the meantime:
So where will you be serving, Garrett?? To what position are you being ordained?? Did you say GEORGIA????

Blessings and congratulations to you both and loads of love, too!