Thursday, August 02, 2007

In Celebration of the Resurrection

Doug Adams, pioneering professor in religion and the arts,
dies on July 24

Professor Doug Adams photoDoug Adams, professor of Christianity and the arts at Pacific School of Religion for 31 years, died at the home of friends in Jackson, CA on July 24, 2007. As a scholar and teacher, Adams played a leading role internationally in the field of religion and the arts, and was beloved by generations of students. Adams also headed the doctoral faculty in Art and Religion at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), a consortium of nine seminaries, including Pacific School of Religion (PSR), in Berkeley, CA.

To read the full PSR News Release, click here - to read the Mercery News Story, click here.

To stop and remember and celebrate and grieve and be pissed off and thankful and grateful and in awe for this amazing explosion of life and art and theology and humor and all very human I suspect and yet able to say Look, Look - over here is God... There is nothing to click. Go make art or look at art or write a funny skit for worship or write a poem or pour a glass of wine and munch some yummy cheese. Dance.

Pacific School of Religion will hold a memorial service on campus this fall, scheduled for Oct. 14 from 2 to 5 p.m.

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