Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Good Times

Yikes! So much news and so few pictures.

It was kind of Kristin and Deris to get married to so we could hold a reunion on Saturday afternoon. They were smart enough to actually PLAN on using Stewart for the service with a lovely dinner reception down at Alexander Hall. It was old times for a number of us with Dan Hoggart on the keyboard, Charles Marx co-celebrating with a pastor from Kristin's church and a number of the professors and sfts staff in the congregation. Aimee sang wonderfully. Cheryl ran the video camera. Pastor Heather helped to pass the communion and lots of friends were in the congregation: (I feel like I'm writing a society article for a small town newspaper!) It really was a great wedding and best of all good things to Kirsten and Deris. Beautiful dress, handsome tuxedos, and a wind that lifted and gave wing to the white netting draped above us in the chapel.

Random news:

Dan Hoggart is feeling better but he is without a doubt slower than he used to be. Carol Robb is on sabbatical, finishing up a book. Jennifer's sister Heather, is starting this fall at SFTS and has just moved into Bell. Jonathan Edwards and his wife are settled in North Carolina and expecting!! Polly and Bob Coote have bought a house in Berkeley and are contemplating the move. A few of us ran into Alexis from the GTU Bookstore when it was at SFTS. She is running a bead shop in Windsor and looks great.

In other news: Robert Hattle's father passed away two days ago, joining Robert's mother who had passed about a year ago. Please hold Robert and his family in your prayers this month.

One more thing - Cheesemaking links:

Its easy to make fresh cheese and here are some links to get you started if you are interested:

2) New England Cheese Company - best beginner's site:

In about a month or so, Horizon's Magazine will print an article I wrote on cheesemaking with recipes so keep an eye out if you are interested.


Karen Sapio said...

Should I make the obligatory Monty Python reference on the Cheesemakers, or would someone else like to take that on?

steph said...

Jonathan Edwards??? The Great Awakening dude? Or Jonathan and Barbara Evans?? Or Jonathan and Julie Bowling?? Tee hee -- thanks Anitra...I sure wish I could've joined in the fun.

Anitra said...

not the Evans. yeah, maybe the bowlings? I'm sooo tired what do I know?

Jenn said...

Jonathan and Julie Bowling :) In South Carolina expecting child during Holy Week...we all decided there should be a seminary class on when to concieve :)