Friday, May 04, 2007

Aimee in action

Or maybe that should be "Aimee Inaction."

Hello, all, and greetings from behind my computer screen, which is where I spend most of my time these days. Our master's theses are due May 31, so I'm usually to be found sitting here in my room, typing away. Or - occasionally - checking in on the SFTS blog. Sorry I've not offered an update for a while. For those of you curious about my upcoming plans (ha! like I've got those), I finish the thesis by the end of May and then hang out here for several weeks until I do the defense June 26 or 27. Then, July 5, I'm comin' home!

For my part, I've been thinking of all of you and our sweet time together last year at this time. In fact, last week I had a series of dreams several nights in a row where we were graduating again, getting our robes, moving out of our apartments...just like it was yesterday! You are all in my heart, even from afar - and I miss you.

Just for fun, here are some photos from earlier this spring - before I was glued to my desk chair:

My sister and I are standing in front of the cathedral in Vienna, back at the beginning of March. She's doing a semester abroad in Austria, so we're both enjoying a European lifestyle this spring. In April, we met up in...

...London, where took this action shot of me getting on a slide at the Tate Modern museum. Remember the "hydrotube" enclosed water slides? (There was one out on McLoughlin Boulevard in the 80s, if you remember, Anitra - all the rage for kids' birthday parties until someone sued over an injury and they all shut down.) Anyway, some famous modern artists I'd never heard of installed these "sculptures" in the Tate - three twisty metal tube slides, just like the hydrotube, but without water. Very cool - though I'm not sure what makes it art, since I've seen the same thing in a smaller version at many a playground.

1 comment:

Anitra said...

There used to be a waterslide operation out by Washington Square too. We took the youth group to it once way back before children (pre-1986).

Ongoing perseverance on the writing thing! What is your topic?

I'm so pleased to hear from you!
